Blog Winter Bereavement Groups are Forming Join Us

Winter Bereavement Support Groups for Adults, Teens, and Children
The Zinberg Family Bereavement Care team is currently offering the following bereavement groups:
New: Spanish Language Bereavement Support Group via Zoom.
For Adults: Loss of a Spouse, Loss of a Parent or Sibling, Loss of a Child and General Bereavement Support Groups; Ongoing via Zoom
For Teens/Children: Ongoing In-person, 7-week Support Groups. Masks are required as per NYS and CDC guidelines.
Equine Therapy: Groups will begin again in March.
For more information or registration, contact Jean Behrens, LCSW-R at 631.288.1546 ext.208 or for adult groups or Angela Byrns LCSW at 631.288.1546 ext.209 or for children’s and teen groups.
Compassionate care, where and when you need it