Anyone can inquire about East End Hospice.
Call us at 631-288-8400, 24 hours a day, seven days a week to get information explaining how hospice works and the benefits to patients and families.
Whatever your diagnosis may be, determining the right care begins with a conversation.
East End Hospice staff have the training and expertise to guide you through the entire information-gathering process, we will discuss all your care options and help you determine the best plan for you and your family.
The earlier a patient is referred, the more East End Hospice can do to help. Sadly, many people believe that hospice care is unavailable or inappropriate until the patient is confined to the home or bed. Not so. Much can be done many months earlier to improve quality of life.
East End Hospice can provide:
- Expert pain and symptom management
- Emotional and spiritual support to patient and loved ones
- Help in how to talk about the many difficult issues that arise at end-of-life
- Help in dealing with unresolved issues that block communication
- Support for the caregiver
Early referrals improve the quality of the patient’s life. The patient is more involved in making decisions; this in turn helps the family know that those difficult choices they need to make are what their family member desires. And decisions are able to be made before a moment of crisis.