will ryan

Event Calendar Box Art Auction

The time-honored late summer tradition of the Box Art Auction benefiting East End Hospice (EEH) will take place this year on Saturday, August 23rd, at St. Luke’s Church Hoie Hall in East Hampton (18 James Lane)..

Artists are given small, donated wood cigar and wine boxes — using the box inside and out as a canvas or base. With styles ranging from traditional landscapes to abstract art, the art forms incorporated this year are ceramics, sculpture, painting, collage, assemblage, metal, photography and needlework on fabric.

Leading up to the benefit, the boxes can be previewed at Hoie Hall on Wednesday, August 20tt and Thursday, August 21st from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. On Wednesday, August 20th, from 5-7 p.m., the public is invited to a “Meet the Artists” preview reception at Hoie Hall. 

At the benefit on August 23rd, a Silent Auction will begin at 4:30 p.m. and the live auction will begin at 5:45, with Lucas Hunt as Auctioneer.  Wine and hors d’oeuvres are included in the $100 benefit ticket price.

“This past year has brought about tremendous challenges for our community,” says Mary C. Crosby, President and CEO of East End Hospice. “Programs such as the Box Art Auction help ensure that every person facing loss has the expert, compassionate care they need at no cost to themselves or their family.”

It all began 25 years ago, when over 100 artists with connections to East End communities were asked to take a small, unadorned box and create unique works of art that could be put up for bids at an auction to benefit East End Hospice. So successful was that first auction that it has been repeated annually – except during Covid – and is well-established as a highlight of the late summer season.

For further information, please contact Debbie Doyle at the East End Hospice development office (631-288-7080) or via email ddoyle@eeh.org