There is no right or wrong way to grieve
Grief is an individual process and a natural part of life. After a loss, life is not the same; however, experiencing your grief will allow you to adjust to life after the loss. Often, feelings are at odds with one another: profound sadness, relief, guilt, anger, love, and heartache. Feelings are natural and, although often painful, these are the mechanisms we need to cope with and eventually be at peace with loss. We are here to help.
How long does grief last?
Grief lasts as long as it takes to adjust to the changes in your life. The process may take months or even years. Grief has no timetable, and those who have experienced it know there is no schedule for the thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and other responses that may arise.
How do I get started with bereavement?
When you call (631) 288-1546, you’ll speak with a therapist or social worker and make an appointment to discuss what is best for you.
Below are ongoing Bereavement Groups for Adults, Young Adults, Teens, and Children; please call the Zinberg Family Bereavement Center at 631.288.1546 for more information.
Spanish Language Bereavement Groups
Loss of A Child Bereavement Group
East Hampton Bereavement Group
Equine Therapy Loss of a Child Group
All Loss- Equine Bereavement Group
Young Adults Bereavement Group
Child, Teen Caregiver Bereavement Support Groups (3)
Bereavement Resources
These helpful resources may assist you on this difficult journey.
The Zinberg Family Bereavement Center
At East End Hospice our team of highly trained professionals and volunteers offers bereavement counseling not only to the families of our Hospice patients, but for the larger East End community.
The Zinberg Family Bereavement Center services may include weekly group counseling sessions or individual sessions. The Zinberg Family Bereavement Care team is currently offering the following bereavement groups: Loss of Spouse, Loss of a Parent or Sibling, Loss of a Child, General Bereavement Support Groups, Child & Teen Support Groups, Equine Therapy Groups and an upcoming Spanish Language Bereavement Support Group. Groups meet weekly at convenient locations on the North and South forks or on ZOOM.
We offer training in grief and bereavement therapy to counselors, educators, therapists and health professionals, and importantly, offer bereavement programs to church, civic and community organizations.
Camp Good Grief
East End Hospice’s Camp Good Grief is a bereavement camp for grieving children and teenagers. A place where they begin to heal.