Adult Bereavement Support Groups – Register for Online Groups

Register for Online Adult Bereavement Groups We will use a secure ZOOM platform, accessible from Mac, PC, or your cell phone. All sessions and content strictly confidential. Loss of a Spouse Bereavement Support Group Loss of a Child Bereavement Support Group COVID-19 Bereavement Support Group General Bereavement Support Group All meet weekly for 8 sessions,… more

East End Hospice gave us so many good days. Thank you.

Dear East End Hospice, September 14 marked one month without Vineeta. When our EEH social worker, Nicole, called to check-in on me last week, it got me thinking about the time we spent under your care. I know that Vineeta was glad that East End Hospice gave her the chance to enjoy the people, places,… more

Communication and Caring for Ourselves: A Chaplain’s Perspective Webinar

Presents the Second Annual Jackie Peckoff Memorial Lecture Tuesday, November 17, 2020 11am – 12pm Via ZOOM; log-in information to follow Communication and Caring for Ourselves: A Chaplain’s Perspective Rabbi Edith M. Meyerson, DMin, BCC Palliative care clinicians are seen as experts in communication. Each member of the interdisciplinary team has their own lens for… more