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Volunteer Spotlight

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Paula Palumbo “One of the first times I worked at the Kanas Center, a patient told me he loved to sing, and he began to sing a song that was played the night he and his wife were married. I sang along with him, and we both really enjoyed the experience. A… more

golden christmas

Hope for the Holidays

East End Hospice and Peconic Bay Medical Center present Hope for the Holidays Bereavement Program for Adults and Children Thursday, November 17, 2022, 5-6:30 pm   Riverhead Public Library 330 Court Street, Riverhead Adult Session, Stage Room, Lower Level Student Session (Ages 4-17), Children’s Room, Main Level The holiday season is a special time of… more

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Employee Profile

Meet Betty Duran, LMSW   East End Hospice has been a dream workplace. Every employee has each patient’s and loved one’s best interests in mind, and deeply commits to providing compassionate and thoughtful care. EEH has restored my faith in client centered medical care. Care teams know their patients, the families, and sit and really… more

Box Art Auction Box Preview 2022