A patient’s hospice aide is often the most familiar face on their care team. Hospice aides may visit multiple times each week. They provide personal care, prepare meals, offer companionship, and a break for caregivers. Many patient families remember our aides’ intimate care and simple kindnesses for years to come. Our home health aides tell… more
A Day in the Life of an East End Hospice AideEast End Hospice
East End Hospice and East End Food Institute Partner to Provide Healthy Meals
East End Hospice is collaborating with East End Food Institute to bring local, healthy produce and food products to hospice employees each month. The initiative was brought to life by Mary Crosby and Kate Fullam, the leaders of each organization, to promote wellness among caregivers while also supporting a thriving local food economy. “Our dedicated… more
East End Hospice Bereavement Groups Forming
Upcoming East End Hospice Zinberg Family Bereavement Center Bereavement Groups Forming, click on one of the below links to learn more. Please call 631.288.1546 to register. UPCOMING BEREAVEMENT GROUPS FOR ADULTS Young Adults Bereavement Group Ages 18-26 -NEW GROUP Loss of Spouse, General Bereavement Group and Spanish Language Groups Forming Equine General Bereavement Group Equine… more
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